The burnished slug-like shape of a Cynabal class pirate cruiser
swerved and banked frenetically between indifferently spinning
asteroids glowing like coals with the reflection of orange sunlight.
A group of heavy missiles followed in it's wake as if they were a
pack of hungry predator fish on the hunt.
The pilot was skilled.
Only now he managed to lose two missiles as they detonated on the
surface of an asteroid that had moved into their path, but soon after
his shields flared when then remaining missiles impacted on his swift
vessel. Soon the defensive energy field would collapse.
Kassina Vikkonen smiled
inwardly as her own ship, slowly but relentlessly, kept following her
quarry. The Cynabal was fast and agile. Normally it would easily
outrun her Tengu cruiser, but she had lured the pirate into a trap.
She had caught him in
one of his favorite hunting grounds: The asteroid belts of Decon.
There he preyed on mining crews foolhardy and greedy enough to
venture into this border system where no official authority would
protect them, in search of minerals not found in the more frequently
mined belts of high security space.
Being a professional,
Kassina had not allowed coincidence to play a role. For weeks she had
paid mining crews to work as bait and informers for her. That allowed
her to study the habits of her target without ever appearing in the
picture herself.
When Kehlonn Baccar
made his appearance, she was warned immediately. By the time she had
jumped into system he was close to the mining ship that she had on
her payroll. Normally a ship like that would be easy prey for a
heavily armed combat cruiser like that Cynabal, but Kassina had given
the miners instructions on how to fit their ship with a full
compliment of defenses. Enough to prevent the pirate from scoring a
quick kill. Enough for her to warp to their position, fully prepared
to engage.
When her Tengu-class
strategic cruiser appeared, she was conveniently positioned between
the pirate ship and the only possible warp destination. Another
aspect of this engagement she had not left to coincidence. During the
past weeks, she had analyzed all the trajectories Kehlonn would take
to warp out from the asteroid belts he used as hunting grounds. While
she did not know where exactly his safe-spots would be located, she
knew in which direction they laid.
From the position she
caught him in, his only choice would be to navigate through the
asteroid belt to warp off. That meant he would lose the speed
advantage of his ship while her own vessel's missiles could follow
his path easily. Now her ship's sensors told her that the pirate
would soon be clear of the last asteroids, but his shield was almost
down. Kassina steered her metallic-gray ship through the sluggishly
moving rocks.
With tense
concentration she forced her capacitors to push more power into the
warp-disruptor. Inside the capsule which held her body, her fists
clenched as she overstrained the missile launchers. They tracked,
locked and expelled their deadly payload. The swarm of missiles
trailed streamers of exhaust gases through space on their way to the
target, and when they hit the shields of the Cynabal cruiser
flickered before collapsing. The next volley tore open the armoured
carapace of the pirate ship and threw it off course.
Quickly Kassina willed
her weapons to disengage and activated the powerful force of a stasis
field to hold the other ship down.
She opened a hailing
frequency. 'Kehlonn Baccar. You have one choice: Stand down and face
justice or die here.' Kassina transmitted across the link. Escape
pods were jumping off the pirate's ship like lice leaving the body of
a dying animal.
'Crazy Caldari bitch.'
the pirate snarled back on the hailing frequency. 'I'm a capsuleer.
You take me down here, I'll come back and rape your ugly ass until it
'Suit yourself.'
Kassina Vikkonen would have shrugged if her body were not floating in
a capsule, capable only of residual motor reflexes. Without any more
hesitation she unleashed a last volley of missiles against her
immobilized target. Without shields, and with it's armour plating
destroyed, the ship came apart easily as explosions tore through it's
weakened hull structure.
She could have told the
man that his medical clone had been captured from it's cloning
facility at an Angel Cartel station during a commando raid executed
by Republic Security, but she had no inclination to be lenient in the
face of the man's threats. The only place he would be waking up in
was an isolation pod. His refusal to come willingly would be worth a
few more years locked in there.
Satisfied she
registered how her ISK balance trebled a few seconds later. Clearly
the Matari authorities had received their man. She transferred the
agreed cut to the miners and set course for high security space.
Several gate-jumps
later – she was about to get cleared for her transition to Rens –
her comm-system demanded attention. She sighed inwardly when she
recognized the signature, but responded nevertheless.
'Aluvetti, what do you
want?' Her only contact with that man had occurred when he had
finalized the business arrangements necessary to get her current ship
delivered to her. He worked as a go-between for Awakened Industries
in the Minmatar Republic while officially holding a small-time trade
commission with Kaalakiota corporation. A typical conniver. She
didn't like the type.
'Kassina Vikkonen,
friendly as always.' Before her mind's eye the man's clean-shaven
face displayed a broad smile.
'Spare me the
pleasantries Aluvetti. I have better things to spend my time on' she
replied with annoyance inflecting her synthesized voice.
'I understand, you are
probably very busy now that CONCORD has expanded the bounty
regulations.' the trader concurred. 'But I am actually authorized to
hire your services. It's not quite a bounty job, but something that
requires a person with your superiour tracking skills.'
Kassina weighed the
issue. Her crew could use some shore-leave, but if that was a
tracking mission only, she could maybe do it with an unmanned
frigate. She herself did not feel any desire to be out-of-pod for any
extended amount of time between contracts.
'Fill me in.' she
replied curtly.
'You remember that
young Civire executive? The one who had captured one of the Awakened
Industries capsuleers?'
Kassina replied that
she did.
'We have indication
that she traveled to the Amarr Empire. We want her found and we need
to know what she is up to. Let's just say someone has a hunch that it
might not be anything good.' Aluvetti explained. 'We'll pay fifty
percent on top of your usual rates.' he offered after a small pause.
'Now you're talking my
language.' Kassina said with renewed interest. 'Give me a day and
I'll be on it.'
Tomoe Sairinen craned
her neck while she let her gaze travel up along the shining,curved
spire of the Ministry of Internal Order building. As Caldari Citizen
she was not unfamiliar with daring megastructures and during the
weeks she had spent on Oris, she had somewhat gotten used to Amarr
architecture in all it's baroque opulence, but this behemoth was
something different entirely.
The towering structure
curved over Imperial Plaza like the claw of some immense beast.
Facing downward, the emblem of the powerful governmental body seemed
like a lidless eye staring down at the unworthy supplicant who would
approach the gates.
For Tomoe central
government manifesting in such grandiose manner was a foreign thing.
In the world she grew up in, only the largest corporations would be
housed in buildings of comparable size. That made it even more
intimidating. How much more powerful must an institution be that
acted by fiat of an authority which ruled something as large as the
Amarr Empire?
She felt hopelessly out
of place in her straight-cut Caldari business suit.
She stood out here,
among people either wearing the austere robes of office or richly
embroidered civilian clothes with accents of strong colours. Slowly
and timidly Tomoe climbed the wide stairs approaching the gaping
entrance to the Empire's main intelligence agency, entering the
building's shadow. Then she stopped, took a deep breath, clenched her
fists and drew her brows together. 'No, I will not be
intimidated.' she decided resolutely. 'I have spent a long
time and way too much money to be granted this appointment. I shall
hold my head high and get what I want.'
The Civire executive
nodded once with determination. Then she resumed her approach,
walking briskly and with renewed focus.
'What?!' Keram
untangled himself from the lithe woman beside him and threw off the
bedsheet to sit up. 'You want to interface with a Sleeper Drone so
some Matari crackpot scientist can have his experiment and possibly
reinstate that little princess to her former glory?!' he exclaimed.
Alira smiled and shook
her head. 'Look at you, being all protective.' she raised from the
pillow, reached out, and ran her fingers through his long hair. 'It's
cute, actually.'
Keram took hold of
Alira's hand and intertwined his fingers with hers. 'I'm serious
Alira. This is too much of a risk. How can you know that it will even
work and you wont get your brain fried. We don't even really know
what Sleepers are.'
Matari woman squeezed her lover's hand
reassuringly. 'I ran simulations with Shisei. Torstan and me went
through all possible permutations for days. I am sure it can work,
and if it does, we will write history.' Her eyes gleamed
you sound like him' Keram growled. 'You spend too much time with that
old geezer and his flattery got to you.' he frowned at her.
you jealous of an old corporate geek?' Alira replied with disbelief
in her voice. She untangled her fingers from his and touched his
cheek. 'Trust me. This is what I do since I was old enough to splice
optronics and grow wetware circuitry in my parent's garden shed.' she
looked into his dark eyes. 'How often have you taken risks in fights
because you knew you can make it and the rewards would be worth it?'
she reached out to him 'This is my
chosen battlefield.'
sighed. 'And all that so Sylera can return to her precious crusader
brethren and serve the Empire?' He paused and pressed his lips
together. 'Going back to killing your people.' he added.
smirked 'No, she wont return. She is changed forever. If her
experiences didn't do that, Sandrielle sure did. She is one of us now
and we owe her our support.' she rested her head on the pillow again.
'Also, if the Amarr have no reason to hunt her anymore, that also
means they will leave us alone.'
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